Name of the special page
What does it do
All pages
List of all pages in the wiki.
Articles with the fewest revisions
List of articles with the fewest revisions.
Articles with the most categories
List of articles with the most categories.
Articles with the most revisions
List of articles with the most revisions.
Book sources
Special page for searching book sources.
Broken redirects
List of broken redirects (e.g. redirects that redirect to nonexistant pages).
List of all categories in the wiki.
Contact ShoutWiki
Special page that can be used to contact ShoutWiki's staff
Dead-end pages
List of pages that do not link to other pages in this wiki.
Disambiguation pages
List of all pages in the wiki that link to disambugation pages.
Double redirects
Lists pages which redirect to other redirect pages.
Retrieve a user's edit count.
Export pages
External links
Allows to search for wiki pages with external links matching specific patterns
File list
Gallery of new files
List of blocked IP addresses and usernames
List of blocked IP addresses and usernames.
List redirects
List of existing redirects.
Log in / create account
The page where users can sign up or log in to the wiki.
All available logs, such as block, deletion and move logs.
Long pages
List of long pages in the wiki.
MIME search
Enables the filtering of files for its MIME-type.
Most linked to categories
Most linked to images
Most linked to pages
Most linked-to templates
My Info
Displays your current skin, browser, operating system and full User-Agent string. These details could be useful when you're reporting software bugs to ShoutWiki staff.
New pages
Newest pages
Oldest pages
Orphaned pages
Pages without language links
Prefix index
Protected pages
List of partially or fully protected pages in the wiki.
Random page
Not a real special page, but rather a redirect to a randomly chosen article.
Random redirect
Not a real special page, but rather a redirect to a randomly chosen redirect.
Recent changes
Displays the most recent changes to the wiki.
Allows searching the wiki's pages.
Short pages
List of the shortest pages in the wiki.
Displays statistics, such as the number of articles, pages in total and so on.
System messages
Displays the complete list of system messages that are used by the core MediaWiki software & its extensions. By editing these, you can change the text that's displayed on some special pages. See also Help:System messages.
Uncategorized categories
Category pages that aren't categorized.
Uncategorized images
Images or other media files that aren't categorized.
Uncategorized pages
Content pages (pages in the main namespace) that aren't categorized.
Uncategorized templates
Templates (pages in the Template: namespace) that aren't categorized.
Unused categories
Empty categories that aren't being used at the moment.
Unused files
Files that aren't being used on any page in the wiki.
Unused templates
Templates that aren't being used on any page in the wiki.
User contributions
Special page for viewing the list of a user's contributions.
User group rights
Lists the current user groups and rights associated with those groups.
User list
List of all registered ShoutWiki users.
Shows info about the installed software and extensions.
View and edit interwiki data
Special page that lists all the existing interwiki prefixes. Only ShoutWiki staff may add new prefixes, but all users can view the list.
Wanted categories
List of categories that have pages or media in them, but that do not have a Category: page yet.
Wanted pages
List of pages that do not yet exist but have links into them.